Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) Rosters
As part of the 103rd Infantry Division’s formation during their prewar training, the division was assigned around 2,500 soldiers from the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP). The following unit rosters list the men who were transferred from the ASTP to various units of the 103rd Infantry Division, their Army Serial Number (ASN), the schools that they were enrolled in for the ASTP, and the date that they were transferred.
409th Infantry Regiment
410th Infantry Regiment
411th Infantry Regiment
103rd Field Artillery Battalions
328th Medical Battalion
328th Engineers Battalion
103rd Headquarter, Band, and Signal Companies
Photo Credits
Header photo:
409th Infantry Regiment photo: T/4 Irving Leibowitz, SC 337382- Here, an enemy machine gun opens up from the far side of the valley. Both men watch intently, trying to spot it. (409th Infantry Regiment). German/Austrian border. 1 May, 1945 U.S. Army Corps Archive via Flickr.
410th Infantry Regiment photo: T/4 Clifford O. Bell, SC 270822- Infantrymen of the 79th Division file into columns down street of newly-captured town of Soufflenheim, France. 13 December, 1944. U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.
411th Infantry Regiment photo: T/5 Joseph A. Bowen, SC 270629- 7th U.S. Army infantrymen of the 7th Inf. Regt. (3rd Infantry Division) prepare to rush a house in which Nazi snipers are hidden. Guiderkirch, France. 15 March, 1945 U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.
103rd Field Artillery Battalions photo: Unknown photographer, SC 196055- A U.S. artilleryman loads a 105mm howitzer with a shell packed with D ration chocolate bars that is to be fired to soldiers of an infantry battalion cut off by the Germans in the Belmont sector, France. 29 October, 1944. U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.
328th Medical Battalion photo: T/4 Clifford Bell, SC 201691- Medics carry a wounded infantrymen into aid station of 103rd Division of 7th U.S. Army near Obermodern, France. Man was wounded by anti-personnel mine while on patrol. 27 February, 1945. (103rd Infantry Division) U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.
328th Engineers battalion photo: Cpl. Weintraub, SC 405144- Cpl. William C. Bruton, Graham, Texas, 347th Engineer Regiment, places sand bags with cement around to support a reconstructed railroad pier and to secure it from being smashed out. Sarralbe, France. 31 December, 1944. U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.
103rd Headquarter, Band, and Signal Company photo: Cpl. Weintraub, SC 334912- W.P.G. Lt. James Scoggins sits outside the cellar of the battalion switchboard on a wire spool in the front line town of Rimling, France, talking over communications problems and other duties of combat infantrymen with Lr. Robert Altier. 13 March, 1945. U.S. Army Signal Corps Archive via Flickr.